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Darian Kanno
Journal: Macbeth Movie Reflection
1. Read the two existing reviews above and compare/ contrast. What things do you agree or disagree with, after having seen the film? I...
Darian Kanno
Journal: "Signifying nothing"
“a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing” is Macbeth’s approach to the meaning of life before inevitable...
Darian Kanno
Journal: Modern Day Macbeth
Who in the modern world (last 120 yrs) is like Macbeth? I think that Adolf Hitler was a lot like Macbeth. After World War I, Germany was...
Darian Kanno
Journal: Peer Prompt #2
If you had one wish that could come true, what would it be? I would wish for clarity in everything. That way there would be no such...
Darian Kanno
Journal: Imagiphor
This first image pretty much summarizes my two week spring break because it consisted of many books much like the ending of this one. ...
Darian Kanno
Journal: Peer Prompt #1
If you could only watch one movie for the rest of your life, what would it be? I would watch Divergent, even though the movie is way...
Darian Kanno
Journal: "Fair is Foul and Foul is Fair"
“Fair is foul and foul is fair” is what the three witches chant in Act I, Scene I or Macbeth. Discuss a time where you experienced this...
Darian Kanno
Journal: How tragic
Something that happened to me I believed to be tragic was just this past year. My friend group began to divide for the second time, and...
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